Welcome to the Williams Bay Historical Society

The purpose of the Williams Bay Historical Society is to assist in the preservation and exhibition of items of historical interest that are within the boundaries of Williams Bay, and the immediate surrounding area. The Society will seek to provide the public with educational opportunities to learn about our unique local history. The Society will also seek to organize and assist in the commemoration of significant dates and events in village history.
Upcoming Programs and Events
For additional information about the Historical Society email: wmsbayhistoricalsociety@gmail.com
Walworth County Historical Society
2019 - 2020 Board of Directors
The Perfect Hostess or Housewarming Gift for family or friends who love Williams Bay or History![]() Available at the following locations
Barrett Memorial Library - Williams Bay Geneva Lake Museum - Lake Geneva Daniels Sentry - Walworth Pesche's Greenhouse - Lake Geneva Available online at Amazon.com. Only $20.00 Order directly from the Williams Bay Historical Society by clicking the link below to print an order form. CLICK HERE for order form. See What Others Have to Say About